There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Jane's 3rd Angelversary

With Jane's 3rd Angelversary next week, November 16th, we will be doing our annual #ElizaJaneLove day of service. I am going to try and attach the printable card below for everyone to print off on their home printer, or again with the 4x6 option to print off at any photo center.

Make sure to share what you do on Facebook, Instagram or just email me privately and use the hashtag #elizajanelove so we can see her light and love spread and influence the world!

And a preemptive THANK YOU for doing this. When people ask, "What can I do?", "Let me know if I can do anything."
This is it!! You may not understand how huge it is to see Jane remembered in your life and the life of strangers. I know she will be nearby everyone who serves in her honor. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Grief Armor

Jane’s 3rd Angelversary is next week, November 16th. I never know how this day will go. In the past,  I have ranged from feeling pure joy because of the love and peace I am given to utter despair and emptiness.

In the last couple days my grief has felt like a suit of armor weighing me down. I can still move, but it's slow and heavy. I feel like a weight is on my chest and shoulders making it harder to breathe. Everything takes 3 times longer to do. Think, eat, speak, move....everything. My head is foggier. My “grief armor” has got me down more than usual.

My grief armor is also my protector. The breastplate protects my heart from well meaning questions like, “How many kids do you have?”, “What are their ages?” “Just 3 boys? You gonna try for that girl?”

But I can take this armor off, sometimes I can choose when and where I want it on. Somedays it consumes me unwelcomingly. Most of my days are filled with real joy and happiness. But occasionally my grief armor puts its heavy self and my life, mind and heart and all I can do is let it protect me and wait it out. It may be for today, it may be all of November.